Greetings friends and readers! I wanted to create a place where I can share updates on projects I'm working on, manuscript news, writing contests I submit to, insights into the writing and publishing process - things that have worked for me, things that haven't, the highs, the lows, and the struggles of trying to focus and write while running a household with two kids under 4 ...
I will also try and post calls for submissions/workshops/etc I come across for other writers, because sometimes those are hard to find, and I believe everyone should have access to these things without having to pay $12 for an industry mag. That'll probably be a once a month thing, so just keep your eyes peeled.
Hopefully it'll all be entertaining enough to keep you all engaged! And if there's anything you ever want to know about, let me know and I'll turn it into a post.
Thanks for reading this, and thanks to everyone who has always helped support my writing career - be it as a journalist, freelance writer, children's book author, thriller writer or non fiction author championing maternal mental health. You're the best and I'm excited to have you all by my side as I continue this journey!